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My Telstra(p) story part 1

March 7, 2012

If you don’t like rants then don’t read it, its upto you….

I’ve been a Telstra User/Customer for years :–  landline since 1994, numerous mobile contracts since 1999, onramp home highway (consumer ISDN) 2002 –  2005, Bigpond mobile broadband 2009 –  2012.

As I hadn’t used the bigpond mobile broadband for awhile i decided to cancel the account, saying I didn’t want to wait in phone que for hours and hours I tried to put it off or got distracted so forgot but eventually got around to it so i rang (why can’t cancellations be done online?)the bigpond number got the spiel with that computer and got transferred to a live human operator asked why i was cancelling i said i dont use it and that i have my xoom now.

the op started taking about the xoom and i sparked up about 4G and waiting until the contract was running out, the op said that the velocity 4G was cool as his friend has one and that he would see when my contract ended. he looked it up and said it ended in march, i said gees i thought it was May. he wanted to pass me off to sales but i said ill wait and call them when i had decided.

Anyway I decide I wanted one had a quick and brief look on the web about plans and the velocity and didn’t want to sit on a bus for over 45 mins to go to the Telstra owned store on Hay st Mall Perth that I would go into the newly opened store that was on High street mall Fremantle which is only 15 mins by bus.

As I wanted to go to a social group at South beach so I was sort of in a rush.

more to come…

From → Telstra

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